My 2009 reading list contains several books by James Dobson, and in January I read "The New Dare to Discipline."  This was not the first time I'd read the book, but I still marked pages so I could take notes:

If the number of Post-Its used are any indication, it seems I really liked the book.  =)  It's extremely practical, which was just what I was looking for.  As a psychologist, he goes into his theories of why children behave the way they do, but he follows that with suggestions of exactly how to implement his methods of discipline (both positive and negative reinforcement).

His discussion of how parents often unintentionally reinforce negative behaviors in their children really resonated with me.  I am definitely guilty of, for example, letting Chickpea's constant talking wash over me, and snap into action when she starts whining.  She interprets that to mean she needs to whine to get my attention.  Yikes!

This is a book that will stay on my bookshelf, as I'll probably want to re-read it from time to time.

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