
If you didn't get a chance to download the new monthly goal tracker, you can find it here.

Here's what mine looks like.  The one you can download is a Microsoft Word document that you can customize with your own goals.

(Sorry it's so big, but I wanted you to be able to see it properly.)


My Progress

Daily Goals: So far this month (not counting today), I've...
  • done my Bible reading 6 times,
  • written in my journal 6 times,
  • taken Chickpea outside 6 times,
  • done my cleaning task 2 times (oops),
  • completed my dinner prep early 4 times
  • actually made dinner only 3 times (How'd that happen?!),
  • straightened up the house every day (7 times),
  • cleaned the kitchen before bed 5 times,
  • taken my vitamin and drank my water every day,
  • eaten breakfast 6 times, and
  • had a piece of fruit with breakfast 6 times.
Weekly Goals: Doing pretty well with these, but I have to write up my meal plan for the week.  I was supposed to do that on Wednesday.

Reading: Haven't started my books yet!

Projects: I'm almost done cleaning out my kitchen cabinets, and I'm working on preparing for the State Fair baking contests.  We finished digging up the grass in the garden; DangerBear just has to rototill it.  (Is "rototill" a word??)

So how are you all doing with your goals?

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4 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Thanks for the chart! It's great to have one sheet to keep track of all my goals.
    Looks like you are doing a fabulous job on yours!

  2. Kelly Says:

    I love your chart! It's so cool! I'm going to download it.

    Great job on your goals!

  3. Charlene Says:

    I need that goal tracker, I get terribly sidetracked and I think something like that will help me stay on point.

    I'm excited that I actually got my Philippians 3:14 Fridays post up on FRIDAY this week!

    Thanks for hosting this!

  4. Kate Says:

    Thanks everyone! I'm glad you all can use the chart. I spend such a ridiculous amount of time designing these things; I'm glad others can benefit from them. =)

    Charlene, woohoo for posting on Friday! LOL

    I always love reading everyone's posts!

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