Today is Chickpea's last day of school! I'll be so happy to have her home all the time! Of course, this means my daily schedule is about to change dramatically, especially with regards to the time I spend at DangerBear's business. I've been spending the mornings there 2-3 times per week, but I can't expect Chickpea to sit still for that long. I think I'm going to try an hour or so each day. Chickpea can bring along some quiet things to do. We'll see how it works!
Goals-wise, I've been doing better than last week. I've done a lot of recipe-gathering for the State Fair. I hope to finish that up this weekend so I can start testing recipes in June. I'm working on getting papers and e-mail under control, and am still messing around with finding a simple system that works well for me.
How are you doing? Sign the Mr. Linky!
Better late than never, I guess--my "Friday" post is on Sunday again, but it's there!
Glad you could participate this week! :)