
To those of you who got an error when you tried to visit recently: My apologies.  Blogger was having some issues with their custom domain forwarding, and I had just switched to a custom domain the week before.  But now we're back in business!

You might notice that my URL is now "www.proverbs14.com" instead of a Blogspot address.

  • If you're a subscriber: Don't worry!  You don't need to change anything you're doing.
  • If you're not a subscriber:  Would you like to be?  If you've bookmarked a post, don't worry!  My old Blogspot address will forward to my new domain, so the link will still work.
(I also have a fancy new email address!)

At first, I thought I had broken the Internet.  It took me a couple of days to realize that I was not the only one having a problem.  I think I may have complained about it on Twitter, but I'm just glad it wasn't my fault!

 Like what you see? Subscribe!

(Photo source: Shannon K's photostream on Flickr.)

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