Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts

This is what I saw when I opened up an order from eNasco.  Lots and lots of "Bit O Honey" wrappers.  Not individual wrappers, like someone ate a lot of candy.  Long strips of uncut wrappers, like you'd find on the manufacturing line.

I have to wonder: Why do they have rolls of candy wrappers?

Just something to ponder.

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The weather yesterday was absolutely gorgeous: Seventy degrees, sunny, and breezy!  Ah, Spring!  Chickpea and I took the opportunity to play outside without wearing coats.

After a while, I went back inside to work in the kitchen, and I let her play outside the front door.  After a while, she came in and asked for a drink of water.  I gave her one, and she took the cup outside with her.  A few minutes later, she came in and asked for more.  And a few minutes later, she asked for even more.  At this point, I'm thinking she's either going to wet her pants or she's up to something.  I peek out the front door and see:

You can't tell from the photo, but the bucket is filled with water.

It is, apparently, a well.  Except the water comes from my water pitcher instead of from the ground.  A reverse well, I guess.  I especially love the rocks arranged at the bottom.

No doubt about it, the child has a thing for sticks and rocks.  Add some string and a little scotch tape, and who knows what she'll come up with?

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My head hurts, and we're out of Sudafed!

Last week Chickpea was sick, and I've apparently caught what she had...  Only not.  A few days before Chickpea got sick, she had a play date with a coughing friend.  Chickpea's main symptom was a fever; no coughing.  Now I'm sick, but not with coughing or a fever.  Nope, I woke up  the other day feeling congested.  Today, DangerBear also woke up sick, but with a sore throat.

What sort of mutant illness is this?!  All of us sick, but with different symptoms.  I am immensely thankful, though, that no one is throwing up.  I am also thankful that Chickpea and I were not sick at the same time, because that's totally no fun.

DangerBear has gone back to sleep, Chickpea is happily playing at her art desk, and I think I'll make some tea.

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It's a beautiful Saturday morning here in Small Townville, just begging for a trip to the park and a drive to the Big City.  But first, we need some breakfast:

This is what Chickpea is having for breakfast.  She had a choice at the grocery store between Kix and Shredded Wheat, and she chose the latter.  Of course, the benefit of shredded wheat is that when you've run out of cereal, you can eat the box.

Sorry.  I know there are a lot of people who like shredded wheat, but I'm not one of them.  I'll have Cheerios, thank-y0u-very-much.

On another note, I did some knitting last night, and I made this lovely bookmark:

Okay, I wouldn't really call it lovely, but it's my first try at knitting.  I also don't really need a knitted bookmark, and I wasn't really trying to make one.  I was just practicing keeping my gauge even from row to row.  I still need some more practice.  =)

What will my next project be?  Perhaps a coaster?  I still have plenty of coasters from when I learned to crochet...

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I'm sorry I was MIA the last couple of days.  My parents were in from out of state, and as I hadn't seen them in a year, I didn't spend any time on the computer.  They had a blast spoiling Chickpea, and DangerBear and my dad got to talk politics for a while.

So now there's a few days of semi-normalcy before DangerBear's parents and sisters come for a week!

I have a huge long list of things to do before Saturday, including...  the second post in the procrastination series!  (I swear I'm not procrastinating on it.  I'm just not procrastinating on the other things I have to do.  Or something like that.)

How about another nifty YouTube video?  DangerBear is always showing me great videos he found online, but I can never find the nifty ones.  It was like the first time I went on eBay and thought it was dumb because all I could find for auction was cheap jewelry.


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I'm getting a new dishwasher soon!  We moved into this house about a month ago, and the dishwasher was...  nearing its end.  It was loud and didn't sound quite right, and did a terrible job cleaning the dishes.  The other night in bed, DangerBear and I suddenly heard a horrible, loud grinding noise coming from downstairs.  We ran down; DangerBear was expecting to see something in flames, and I was expecting to see water on the floor, but we got off easy.  So the other day we picked out a nice, quiet model.  I'm very excited.  And I'm glad it decided to break now, and not in two weeks while my in-laws are visiting.

Which reminds me.  I have a ton to do to get ready!  The house isn't entirely unpacked, and what has been unpacked is generally in a mess.  Then there's the cleaning.  And the baking for the state fair.

High priorities for today:
* Clean kitchen, since it never got totally cleaned up from dinner last night. DONE
* Bake bread and freeze for the state fair. DONE (Though I only made one loaf.)
* Decide what's for dinner, since I forgot to defrost meat last night.  DONE (Breakfast for dinner!)
* Clean out refrigerator bins, because something leaked. DONE
* Clear up a credit card issue, because my bank is silly. DONE
* Take Chickpea to the park, because it's a nice day. DONE
* Clean up my house, because it looks like our closets sneezed
* Finish unpacking the office. ALMOST DONE (Yay!)

"The secret of joy in work is contained in one word- excellence.  To know how to do something well is to enjoy it." -Pearl S. Buck


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